
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books signing
April 13, 2018
Kathryn, Tim, and I will be signing copies of DTLA/37 at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on Saturday, April 21. We'll be at the SPAWN booth, #184 on Trousdale Parkway (the main thoroughfare). From what I understand, it'll be near Taper Hall.
I'm not sure what time I'll be there, but I'll update this post once I do know!

DTLA/37 in DTLA Life Mag
March 23, 2018
Thanks to DTLA Life Mag for their March 2018 write-up of DTLA/37, featuring photos from Tim Ronca and Lev Tsimring!
Check out the magazine here.

The Los Angeles Vintage Paperback Show
March 14, 2018
Kathryn E. McGee and I will be at the LA Vintage Paperback Show, selling our (definitely not vintage) paperbacks, including DTLA/37 and some of the anthologies that feature our work.
Glendale Civic Auditorium in Glendale, CA
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | $5
For more info:

Welcome to the site!
January 22, 2018
Hi, everyone! Please excuse my dust as I make this site my own. It's been a long time since I've made a website, but I'm enjoying using Wix for the first time.
In the meantime, I hope you'll check out my book, DTLA/37: Downtown Los Angeles in Thirty-seven Stories.
DTLA/37 in LA Downtown News
January 15, 2018
DTLA/37 is the cover story of this week's LA Downtown News!
The story includes quotes, photos from the book, and a very rare shot of all four of us!
If you can't pick up a free copy of the paper, you can check it out online.